Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) lets drivers have a safe travel by maintaining smooth steering and control of the vehicle during hard brakes. ABS can improve your steering control and lessens your risk on braking distance on wet and slippery surface. ABS offer maximum braking effort especially during emergency stops/brakes. ABS was developed due to occurrence…
Planning for a road trip? Get your vehicle ready for your travel first, that’s every drivers responsibility. For a lot of reason, it is better to prevent bad things to come rather than letting it slide without your watch. We all want to have a safe travel without any hassle, and every driver should be…
To keep away from a tyre break down or tyre blowouts, we should be responsible of checking our tyres condition before travelling. What if the tyre gives up in a middle of nowhere during after-hours and you don’t have any tools or spare tyre with you? You’ll be lucky enough if there are available 24-hour…
Your tyre is the most important part of your vehicle when it comes on ensuring your safe travel. Even though the brakes stop your wheel, those tyres will grip on the road and on the brakes to put your vehicle into a complete stop. That’s why it is important to choose the right tyre for…
With most people that I talk too, conversations about tyres don’t come up in their top 100 things to talk about, not even close. They are those black round things on the car, a necessary evil that comes up for replacement and the most inopportune times. If we do talk about them, I hear…
You need to ask these 5 questions… I have been witness to many customers buying tyres for their car, 4WD or truck over the years. I still amazes me that customers only define a good value purchase based solely on a price point. There is much more to it people! In some cases this can…