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Something  has occurred to me during the startup phase of my own small business.  What has become highlighted is that my first initial reason to get “something ” happening was driven by making some extra money.  Since starting, the business bank account has seen much activity.  Money in, money out and yes money out again.  This said, the account is growing in a positive way.  Hey, there is no need to go out and buy that Ferari just yet, but there is also no need to bleed the account dry either.  I’m really happy, letting the business build, at least to a $ goal level.  This I call my “buffer”.  My aim is to get to this buffer amount, and then anything over and above that can be used to buy a new jack, or get some more signwriting or even get that new bit of camping gear I have wanted for ages.

That’s the beauty of running your own business, sailing your own ship, being in control of your destiny!  The magic will happen.  All it takes is a good business model and if you are genuinely helpful.  Additionally, you don’t have the need to “go in for the kill” when it comes to pricing.

Listening to a recent podcast from Mark Bouris, he explained the proud feeling you get from having your own business.  Yeah sure, he is pretty proud, he’s made squillions.  The real truth he was speaking of, was, regardless of profit or no profit, he is proud to be able to employ and mentor his people along with making a real difference.  He genuinely does want to help, and he has been at the forefront of making the big companies give us all a better deal.  His success  and “take no crap” attitude has come from hard work, a great business model and wanting to help.  This blog isn’t about Mark Bouris, nor is it about making millions and it bringing you happiness, it’s about the fact of the happiest times you can have, when you are succeeding and helping others.

It’s very very early in my business ownership.  The positive feelings that it is bringing and hopefully continues to bring, drive me onto the next quote, or sale, or even just helping someone for free.

Really, as corny as it sounds, when I can do that one small thing for free and genuinely help someone, that gives me the biggest buzz.  Try it today, you may just surprise yourself at how good it can be.

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